In 2005, WOREC facilitated a common platform known as Women Human Rights Defenders (WHRD) for women working in human rights to come together and advocate for their rights and security. The campaign focuses on capacity building of WHRDs, dissemination of information, documentation in giving visibility to the violence against WHRDs, advocacy on legal recognition of WHRDs with changes at grassroots and national level, support mechanisms and networking. WOREC is a founder of National Alliance of Women Human Rights Defenders (NAWHRD). 

Recognition and Security of Women Human Rights Defenders: its

30 Nov 2007

The Background


Third national consultation with women human rights defenders(WHRDs) on Recognition and Security of Women Human Rights Defenders: its necessity was held in Kathmandu, Nepal during 28-30 November, 2006. More than 250 women human rights defenders from 60 districts of Nepal participated in the consultation which was jointly organized by WOREC and FEDO. There was proportional participation of self representative WHRD’s working at community on issues like Disability, dalits, indigenous community, madhesi, sexual minority and working women. 

Nepal has entered into new phase of political development.   Signature of historical agreement between seven party alliance and Maoist has opened avenues for total transformation of Nepal. This political period of Nepal gives opportunity to socially excluded and marginalized groups to get understood by political system of Nepal and mainstreamed. This is one of the prerequisite for peace.

Although all parties in Nepal has publicly agreed to include women and moreover women from different socio-political and political-economic strata to include proportionally in all layers of Government, it is not an easy task for them to bring this into the reality. Strong patriarchal structure enshrined in all political parties of Nepal has full potential to inhibit the process.

In this situation it is necessary for various women working at different levels to come together and discuss on strategy to include women and plan actions for this and start implementation of planned actions into their work as soon as they can. For women to be strategic it is very necessary to plan activities based on international instrument on which all political parties has shown commitment to comply.

UN Resolution 1325 is one among those Instruments which provides women a tool of advocacy for their inclusion at all levels of peace building process. Advocacy for proportional representation of women at all levels of Political and social transformation process to achieve sustainable peace is necessary. This will be strong and political parties can be hold accountable to do so if all advocacy activities are designed and implemented based on UN Resolution 1325 and provisions given by CEDAW. Similarly European Parliament resolution on participation of women in peaceful resolution provides ground for European Governments to ask Government of Nepal to comply with that while using development budget provided by EU. In order to develop strategies based on 1325, and EU resolution women need to know about this, understand this.

WOREC and FEDO as an institution has always taken lead to inform women Human Rights Defenders working at different districts on issues concerning them  and plan activities based on their need and requirement at certain point of time . First national consultation of WHRDs was held in Kathmandu during 3rd and 4th March 2006 and second consultation with WHRD’s was held during  15th and 16th of July 2006 can be taken as an example of this. First consultation provided information to women regarding how Women Human Rights Defenders get protected during dictatorial regime and why it is necessary to overcome dictatorial regime and what needs to be done in these situation. After discussing on these issues women came together and taken lead in democratisation process of Nepal. Participation of women in people's movement - 2 taking lead role can be taken as an example of this. Similarly immediately after the success of people's movement and keeping in mind the change of political context of Nepal 2nd consultation with WHRD’s took place, issues of constituent assembly and how women can get involved were discussed, Kathmandu declaration - 2 was brought out action plan based on that declaration and implemented. Based on that action plan Women Human RightsDefenders network has been formed which are playing an important role in community to bring women together and advocate for their rights and created continuous pressure to political parties to make peace talk happen.

Now another political development in country has taken place, peace agreement has signed and commitments to held constituent assembly as soon as possible has been made. So it is necessary for all WHRD’s to come together, to plan activities concretely and move towards bringing those activities into reality.  To make it possible WOREC and FEDO has planned 3rd national consultation with WHRD’s working at different districts on 28th, 29th and 30th November in Kathmandu. These days has been chosen because this falls under 16 days of activism on violence against women, and November 29th is the day Dedicated for women Human Rights Defenders.

The objectives

The specific objectives aiming to increase meaningful and equal participation of women in constituent making process, to attain sustainable peace in the country were as follows:

  1. To make women Human Rights Defenders active at grass roots level familiar with UN Resolution 1325 and European Parliament resolution on participation of women in peace building process and conflict Resolution.
  2. To provide skills to WRHD’s to advocate for their proportional representation at all levels of peace building process.
  3. To develop women’s charter for equality for changing context of Nepal.
  4. To provide information on socio-economic rights of women (right to food and health) and develop campaign on this.

 Opening session

The opening session was chaired by Ms. Rikma Biswakarma , Women Human Rights Defender (WHRD), working in the community. She pointed out that women are facing different kind of violence, this is due to the patriarchal social structure. She highlighted that her helping hand is always with women issues.

Vice Prime-minister, Mr. Khadga Prasad Sharma Oli, as a chief guest of the opening session, pointed out the importance of women awareness in to the women issues. He highlighted, women should raised women issues by themselves. He said women are not getting equal treatment in all sector : economic, social and political. To address this situation the conclusion of the workshop might be the tools for change factor if, it could be disseminate all over the country with effective way.

Ms. Junko Sajaki, Representative of UNFPA, highlighted the importance of WHRDs and stressed on recognition of "Women Human Rights Defenders". She pointed out the gender based violence and said that women should be strongly organized for equality.

Ms. Lena Sundha, Representatives of OHCHR, highlighted on UN resolution 1325 and its importance for women's participation in all process of peace building and conflict transformation. She pointed out that, 1325 address many important issues related to women and provides very important instrument for advocacy. 

Dr, Renu Rajbhandari read out the solidarity message sent by Mary Jane Real, coordinator of the WHRD international coordination committee. Ms. Mary Jane Real express her wishes for grand success of this consultation in her message. Dr. Rajbhandari also , presented the main theme paper of the consultation entitled "Issues of WHRDs in changing political context and state responsibilities"

Ms. Anita Mandal, WHRD, expressed her opinion that state should give attention on the security of Women Human Rights Defenders.

Ms. Shova Baral, Representatives of physically challenged, pointed out that the disabled people face many problems but these are not being discussed at the highest levels. She added the importance of inclusivity of physically challenged people at constituent assembly.

Ms. Kala Swarnakar, Representatives of FEDO, pointed out that, without recognition of Women Human Rights Defenders (WHRDs), women human rights is not possible.

Mr. Punya Prasad Neupane, Secretary, Ministry of Women, Children and social welfare, highlighted the importance of women rights. He added women rights is the important part of the Human rights, until human rights workers are treated with respect it will not be possible to built a society with a recognition of human rights.

Plenary session

Opening session was followed by plenary session. Three working paper were presented discussion on the paper was held in this session . The following topics were covered during plenary session.

1. Constituent assembly: actions to ensure inclusiveness - By. Prof. Yash   


2. UN Resolution 1325, issues of women's inclusion and sustainable

    peace - By Ms. Shova Gautam

3. Constituent Assembly: Actions to ensure women's participation - by

    Mr. Bidhan Acharya


Parallel workshops


To meet the objectives of  the national consultation three parallel workshop were conducted in the following issues:


  • Skills workshop on documentation, investigation and monitoring of violence against women.
  • Skills workshop on advocacy, to advocate for inclusion of women in peace building process.
  • UN Resolution 1325 and how it can be used for inclusion of women at all levels of peace building process.


Three parallel workshops were conducted in above mentioned issues in second day of the consultation. Discussions, Group works, Presentations and Questions-Answers were the tools for the workshop. Rapporteur of each workshop presented outcomes of their discussion in plenary and floor discussion. Some of the major outcome of the plenary presentation and skill workshop were as follows.

  • Community level WHRDs (women Human Rights Defenders) got an opportunity to familiar with UN Resolution 1325 and had gain knowledge on it.
  • Had able to categories of sexual and gender based violence.
  • Had better understanding on importance of documentation of cases of violence.
  • Had gain technical knowledge on case documentation.
  • Had gain technical  knowledge on aspect of monitoring, and basic rules of monitoring

Highlights of issues raised by participants:

  • Women's representation should be equal in policy making and peace process.
  • Women's representation should be proportional in the constituent assembly.
  • State should form strong law to protect the sexual violence victims.
  • State should Formulate new laws to ensure women's rights to property and to end the discriminatory laws against women and girls.
  • Gender sensitization campaigns are to be lunched to reduce patriarchal thinking of the people.
  • State should provide safe shelter and employment opportunity to the victims of sexual violence.
  • There must be the provision of Special court/closed hearing for victims of Sexual violence.
  • There must be the provision of international legal access for women (sexual and other types of gender based violence) if, state would not able to provide justice for them. 
  • There must be the provision of reservation and special Quota for minorities' women (physically challenged, sexual minorities, dalits and janajaties).
  • State should developed special mechanism for conflict affected women.


Closing session               

Leaders of different political parties were invited in the closing session of this consultation, which was chaired by Ganga Kasaju, vice-chairperson of WOREC. One of the major outcome of the third national consultation workshop is "women's charter for equality", which was read out by Dr. Renu Rajbhndari, Chairperson of WOREC and was unanimously passed by this consultation. All political leaders appreciated the women's charter and express their commitment to ensure women's participation and equality.

Uma Adhikari, Central member, Nepali congress Democratic, said that we still have very few representation in Parliament and politics.  This is because of the patriarchal thinking pattern of the society that people do not believe that women are capable for leadership. If women are to establish their rights they must continue their struggles. Our achievements will be proportionate to the degree of our struggle.

Suprava Ghimire, Central member, Nepali congress highlighted the status of the women within the political parties, male domination culture is also predominant in politics and we need to gear up our efforts to raise our voice against that system.  

Ms. Amrita Thapa, Central member, Nepal Communist Party (Maoist) Central Member, pointed out that, if opportunity is given women are able to work do everything.

Mr. Bachashwoti Devkota, Central member, Nepal Communist Party(UML), highlighted that the women's charter need to be made a common agenda by all political parties and express his commitment for the meaningful participation of women at alllevels.

Ms. Kalpana Nepali, WHRD (participant), pointed out the importance of Dalit women's participation and she added that without dalit women's human rights, women human rights will not be completed.

Ms. Sariyar Chaudhari, WHRD, pointed out about the abused which, Women Human Rights Defenders are facing. She added WHRDs networks need to be formed and strengthen in the grassroots level.

Ms. Ganga Kasaju , highlighted that, we need to raise women issues and she stressed that if opportunities given, women can handle the every works better than men. At the end, Ganaga Kasaju offered vote of thanks to invitees, participants and organizer and co organizer.