
We Stan Gender Equality

24 Feb 2021

The issue of women's empowerment and gender equality is at the top of agendas in Nepal, as gender inequality is widespread in all cultures. The presence of gender disparity and gender-based violence and discrimination were further visibly distinct during the time of lockdown, last year when WOREC recorded significant rises in the cases of violence against women. 

On the occasion of International Women's Day, Social Media Campaign 'We Stan Gender Equality' is organized (from 20th February to 8th March), highlighting the transformation and empowerment stories of the members who have challenged patriarchy, discrimination and gender-based violence.

Throughout the campaign, stories and contents related to policies against gender-based violence, articles and photos on success stories, videos and animations for awareness purposes are posted. 

Videos and Animations:

Learn in this video how young people can #ChooseToChallenge gender inequality and discrimination.

#ChooseToChallenge stigma against rape survivors

Life Is Not What We Expect It To Be: Aastha

Defending Women - Defending Rights

Young changemaker Dikshya

#ChooseToChallenge Domestic Violence Against Women



महिलाहरू मात्र हैन, सबै मान्छेलाई स्वस्थ भएको देख्न चाहन्छु: नारायणी देवकोटा

समाजसेवी भएर हिंसा प्रभावित महिलाहरुलाई सहयोग गर्दै जाने मेरो उदेश्य रहेको छ: अमिनदेवी चौधरी

महिला हिंसा छोरीको विषय हो भन्ने ठानेर नै त्यसका विरुद्ध लागेकी हुँ: शोभा वि.क

मेरो सानै उमेरमा आमाबुवाले विवाह गरिदिए तापनि आउने पिँढीले भने यो चलन पूरै परिवर्तन गर्नुपर्छ: अनिता मण्डल

Young Changemaker Anjali


IEC Material:

Let’s #choosetochallenge patriarchy: Let's work together for a gender-equal society.

Different Forms of Gender-Based Violence