
Social Media Campaign on Women's Economic Advancement and Dissemination of GBV Preventive Messages

03 Jun 2021

Gender-based violence is widely prevalent in Nepal. It manifests as a continuum and encompasses an array of discrimination and violence targeted to women and girls throughout their life cycle.

The present pandemic of COVID-19 has further reinforced the risk of violence against women and girls. At the same time, a significant increase in the cases of gender-based violence and discrimination were also recorded during the time of lockdown.  

In response to the current pandemic situation, the program titled 'Accelerating Women's Economic Advancement and Responding to Gender-BASED Violence in Asia during the Covid-19 Pandemic' launched by WOREC in coordination with The Asia Foundation focuses on strengthening the survivors' centric support mechanism along with launching inclusive awareness programs against GBV. Thus, as a part of the program's intervention, a Social Media campaign is launched for seven days from 20th March to 26th March.

Throughout the campaign, videos and IEC materials related to preventive measures against Gender-Based Violence (GBV), animations for awareness purposes, articles and posters on success stories, photos and videos on events associated with GBV survivor sensitive responses and GBV service providers' experiences on working in grassroots are posted. 

Videos and Animations

मौनता तोडौं : निशा अधिकारी

मौनता तोडौं: रमेश रञ्जन झा

महिलामाथि हुने हिंसा र सहयोगी संयन्त्र

ओरेक परियोजना कार्यालय मोरङ्गद्वारा संचालित महिला सुरक्षा आवासको ईन्चार्ज उर्मिला निरौला



महिला उद्यमशीलता सहजीकरण: सरिता महरा

महिला उद्यमशीलता सहजीकरण : गिता चौधरी

महिला उद्यमशीलता सहजीकरण : सुगाबती चौधरी

महिला उद्यमशीलता सहजीकरण : कुश्मि मण्डल

महिला उद्यमशीलता सहजीकरण :डोमनी बती चौधरी

महिला उद्यमशीलता सहजीकरण: हविला खातुन


IEC Materials:

महिला तथा बालिकामाथि हुने सबै प्रकारका हिंसा र विभेदका बारेमा मौनता तोडौं र हिंसा विरुद्ध बोलौं

लैंगिक विभेदमा आधारित हिंसा सम्बन्धित सूचना तथा सयोगक लागि जानकारी पत्र