
Social media campaign on women's and girl's Mental, Sexual and Reproductive health rights

04 Jun 2021

Covid-19 pandemic and resulting lockdown have made social media an important platform to communicate regarding health issues. Thus, for most of them, social media might be the only platform to get health information.

Since online promotion and dissemination of health-related information is now more critical than ever, from 23rd May to 28th May 2021, WOREC is leading a social media campaign to promote and raise awareness among women and girls about their mental, sexual, and reproductive health.

The campaign covers three international days, i.e. International Day to End Obstetric Fistula on 23rd May, Menstrual Hygiene Day and International Day of Action for Women's Health on 28th May. Thus, the campaign includes contents in the form of videos, IEC materials, articles, posters and photos that commemorate these three international days.


Campaign to End Fistula in Nepal

फिस्टुला हुने प्रमुख कारणहरु

महामारीमा मानसिक स्वास्थ्यको ख्याल कसरी राख्ने?

महामारीको आवस्थामा पनि उदयपुरको सामुदायिक स्वास्थ्य क्लिनिकमा सेवा निरन्तर सञ्चालनमा

Make your own sanitary pad at home during this lockdown

यौन तथा प्रजनन् स्वास्थ्य अधिकार सुनिश्चितताका लागि हामी सबैले हातेमालो गरौं!!

महामारीमा महिनावारी रोकिदैन!!!



Young Changemaker Riteshma Raut


IEC Material

फिस्टुला: रोकथामको उपायहरु र उपचार विधि

महिला स्वास्थ्य: प्रमुख तथ्यहरु

Posters Related To Menstrual Hygiene