
Achieving Gender Equality and Empowering women under ESCR Campaign

21 Dec 2021

Since violence-affected women and women from poor communities are in worse situations than other women, financial empowerment activities for women in communities are essential. Skill-based and business-oriented training has supported women's empowerment and has provided an opportunity to enjoy the property right and the right to work. Likewise, they help women access local resources and raise voices to incorporate their issues in local government programs and budget plans. Thus, under the Economic, Social, and Cultural Rights (ESCR) campaign, WOREC has been conducting knowledge and skill-related training programs with the coordination and cooperation of local-level governmental bodies to develop women's entrepreneurship.

Krishna Devi Mahara and Guddhi Kumari represent many women who were benefitted from the training and seed money support provided by WOREC.

'Animal husbandry training is the way for improved livelihood’-Krishna Devi Mahara

"My name is Krishna Devi Mahara, and for the last ten years, I have been living in Malangwa Ward No. 3 of Sarlahi District along with my family of four. Since our family's main source of income was daily labor works, we were exposed to low and irregular incomes with a lack of social support. As a result, often, my husband and I were unable to feed ourselves and our children. I desperately wanted to improve our financial situation, so I was looking for opportunities and ideas. In the meantime, I got to know from my neighbors about the prospects of livestock farming and how it can be a good means for living a life. Although I had never raised animals before, I went with my instincts and bought two goats.

After purchasing goats, I realized that I needed to attend animal service training to care for the livestock. I then joined Mahara Baudhimai women farmer's group. Mahara Baudhimai women farmer's group was formed in coordination with WOREC and Malangwa Ward No. 3 of Sarlahi District. After joining the women farmer's group, I received a three-day training on animal husbandry from WOREC Nepal. The training provided me with information and confidence to expand my livestock farming. The training also made me realize that I can earn most of the income from animal husbandry. As a result, immediately, I added baby buffalo targeting for buffalo rearing. At present, I have devoted my time to animal husbandry, and I plan to improve my livestock farming by expanding my knowledge and skills."


Guddi Kumari is an example of a small business leader

"My name is Guddhi Kumari Singh, and I live in Janakpur sub-metropolitan ward no 4 Shanti Nagar with my family of 18. Since my husband and I are illiterate, we relied on daily laborer works to make our ends meet. However, when the country went under strict lockdown in 2020 to halt the spread of the corona virus, we became jobless. With no prospect of income, we were left with neither money nor food. Our situation became far worse when my father-in-law, who financially supported the family, passed away due to Covid-19. We were devastated and in shock. We were also desperately in search of help.

Around that time, I was informed by my neighbors about the newly formed Janak Nandani Women's Group by WOREC. After joining the group, I had an opportunity to participate in orientation sessions on women's rights and child marriage. The group also recommended my name for seed money support to start a business. As a result, I received seventeen thousand and five hundred rupees from WOREC. I invested the money to start my grocery store.

From grocery shop, I have also been managing to save some money. My goal is to eventually expand my grocery shop. The financial support from WOREC has helped us to live with dignity and to be financially empowered."