Women's Rehabilitation Centre (WOREC) is a campaign-based organization which functions adopting rights-based approach with the evidence of women’s rights and social justice as a prerequisite for peace, social justice and sustainable development. Since its inception, it has established as a leading national organization working to prevent violence against women, ensure economic, socio-cultural well-being of women and other marginalized groups by promoting their access to rights and social justice. Currently, it has been implementing four themes:
1. Human Rights and Social Justice
2. Ecological Justice and Women’s leadership
3. Quality Care and
4. Learning and Knowledge Management.
All the themes are substantial for creating enabling environment for a just society and social transformation on ending discriminatory social structure guided by the deeply rooted multi-layered patriarchal system. It establishes wide networks from grassroots, national, regional and global arena through vivid alliances and membership. Nepal had ratified CEDAW without any reservation in 1991. CEDAW ,in its Article 18, obliges the state parties to submit the first report within one year of its ratification or accession, and periodic reports in every four years or anytime at the request of the committee. Nepal Government has submitted its 7th periodic report in 2023. This shadow report thus aims to provide recommendations to Nepal government on fulfilling its obligation, particularly in the List of Issues and questions related to the observance of 7th periodic report of Nepal Government at CEDAW committee. This shadow report is prepared in collaboration with more than 100 of NGOs/ CBOs from all seven provinces of Nepal, in line with the government's recent periodic report focusing on VAW, FMWs, WHRDs, online GBV and women's health. WOREC, as a member of Human Rights Treaty Monitoring Coordination Centre (HRTMCC) in Nepal, has prepared this report.
The report focuses on five major issues namely Violence Against Women and Girls (VAWG), Female Migrant Workers (FMWs), Women Human Rights Defenders (WHRD), Gender Based Violence (GBV) and Women's Health. Some of the processes and documents reviewed for writing this report include:
• Review of Nepal Government's periodic reports,
• Review of primary data collected at WOREC’s database and desk review
, • Evaluation of CEDAW Committee's initial observation and past recommendation,
• Assessment of government reports, policies, programs, strategies and plan of action, as well as the constitution, and other laws and regulations,
• Feedback and inputs received from national and provincial consultations on CEDAW shadow reporting,
• Assessment of supplementary inputs from district, provincial, and national-level networks of the WHRDs.
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